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Setting up Xero Integration for Suppliers
Setting up Xero Integration for Suppliers

Learn how to integrate OrderEZ with Xero in this step-by-step guide.

Jeffrey Meese avatar
Written by Jeffrey Meese
Updated over a week ago

The integration with Xero will save your accounting team the hassle of data entry and the anxiety of missing receipts or invoices and keeps the sales team out of your accounting software. This means your books are more accurate, you close the month faster, and you know how you did.

With this integration, orders are pushed into Xero as Draft Invoices and expenses are sent as Pending Bills to Pay. All you need to do is click on "Approve". It's that simple! Here's how:

tl;dr - To set up the Xero integration:

(1) Have your Xero login credential ready

(2) Navigate to the Integration page and click on Xero

(3) Select your sales account, tax code and expense accounts

(4) Match your products with products in Xero

(5) Match your Customers with contacts in Xero

Connecting to your Xero account

Click on your company name on the top right corner of the page, then click on "Supplier Settings". At the Supplier Setting page, click on the Integrations tab, then click on Xero.

Click on "Connect" and "Confirm". Then, you will be brought to the page to log in to Xero. Select the Xero account that you want to integrate and click on "Allow Access".

Account Setup

Select the corresponding Chart of Accounts for invoices, delivery fees and bills, as well as the corresponding sales and purchase tax rates.

Order requests from OrderEZ will flow into Xero as Draft Invoices. After approving the invoice in Xero, it will be posted to the selected Chart of Account below.

Our expense reporting app offers two ways to automate the generation of Bills to Pay:

1. Individual transactions

When you select this option, each expense logged in OrderEZ will flow into Xero real-time as an individual Bill to Pay.

2. Combined (Monthly)

When you select this option, there will be an additional field to select the day of the month that you want your expenses to be pushed into Xero. At the start of the selected day, all expenses from the previous calendar month will be synced into Xero as a single bill consolidated by account representative (ie: one bill per account representative). For example, if you choose the 3rd of the month, your sales reps have until midnight on the 2nd to input expenses for the previous month and at 12:01 am on the 3rd the system will push all of the previous expenses into the Draft Bill to Pay.

Bills to Pay in Xero will be pending approval. Once approved, they will be posted to each expense account selected here.

Once ready, click on "Next Step".

Product Sync

On the Product Sync page, you will see a list of products from Xero and the corresponding products in OrderEZ (if any). To sync the products, simply tick the checkbox on the left of the product.

Products are matched according to SKU number on OrderEZ and item code on Xero. In the case where there is a difference in price between Xero and OrderEZ, the price from Xero (in blue) will override the price on OrderEZ.

For products from Xero that cannot be found in OrderEZ, new products will be automatically created in OrderEZ. Once you have selected the relevant products, click on "Next Step".

Customers Sync

On the Customers Sync page, you will see a list of Customers from OrderEZ (if any) on the left. Here you need to match the OrderEZ Customer to the corresponding Xero Contact. If the Contact has not been created in Xero, you can leave it and come back to match the contact later, OrderEZ will create a Contact in Xero when the first order comes through. Then, click on "Go to Overview".


Check through the details of the setup and click on "Finish". It's best to get the setup right the first time, but if ever need to relook at Product Sync and Customers Sync, you can still do so after the initial setup.

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