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Approving Orders
Mark Epchteine avatar
Written by Mark Epchteine
Updated over a week ago

Foodrazor makes approval workflows seamless. See below on how to approve orders.

Video Rundown

Step 1: Filter by Orders Waiting for Approval

There are two ways to see that there are orders waiting for your approval.

Overview Page

From the overview page, the purple box indicates how many orders are waiting for your approval. Click the box to open the order list.

Orders Page, History Tab

From the History tab under Orders, there will be a banner if there are any orders to approve. Simply click on View Orders.

Step 2: Approve the Orders

Once click on either of the buttons above, the order list will be filtered to those waiting on approval.

To approve an order, click on the order, if all looks good - simply hit Approve! If needed, edit the order prior to approval

Mobile App

  1. From the Orders tab, click on the purple banner.

  2. Click on an order that is labelled Needs Approval

  3. Click Approve

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