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Setting Up The Xero Integration
Mark Epchteine avatar
Written by Mark Epchteine
Updated over a week ago

You've created your Foodrazor account - and now it's time to sync it up to Xero! Let's get started.

Video Rundown

Start by navigating to your group settings via the drop down at the top right.

From here, click head to Outlets and select the location you want to setup. Click on the Integrations tab, followed by Available

Select Xero.

Click on:

  1. Connect to Xero

  2. Confirm

  3. Select to appropriate Xero organization and click Allow Access

Step One: Default Accounts

Here you will want to select the default COGS account invoices will be tied to, followed by the tax rate, and which account delivery fees should flow through to.

Click Next Step at the top right when selected.

Step Two: Supplier Sync

For suppliers that already exist as contacts in Xero, we'll simply want to sync the two. If the supplier does not exist in Xero, no stress! We'll create them as a contact when an order flows through!

Pro Tip: You can set these later if needed.

When complete, click Go to Overview

From the Overview page, ensure everything looks right, and click Finish. Viola! Your integration is set up.

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