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How to Place an Order
Mark Epchteine avatar
Written by Mark Epchteine
Updated over a week ago

Foodrazor makes it simple to order from your different suppliers all in one go. Narrow down supplier by supplier, or by product category, and we'll fire off purchase orders to your suppliers exactly how they like to receive them today.

Video Rundown - Web

Video Rundown - Mobile

Placing an Order - Web

To place an order, we'll start in the Ordering section of the Orders tab.

Here, you can see your visible product catalog from all of your suppliers. To add an item to the cart, simply enter the quantity on the right-hand side, followed by the shopping cart icon.

If you want to shop supplier-by-supplier or category-by-category, you can filter down the catalog using the filters button at the top left.

When you're ready to send your order - click on the shopping cart at the top right of the page.

Shopping Cart

Here, all your orders will be broken out by the supplier. You are able to leave a note that will get sent along with the purchase order to your suppliers. If needed, the quantity of the products can be adjusted.

Select your requested delivery date, and click on submit order request. Your order will now be sent to the supplier (or await a manager's approval).

Placing an Order - Mobile

From the Orders tab, to add a product to your shopping cart, simply swipe right on the product (quantity will be dictated at the next step.) With the filters tab at the top left, you can narrow down the catalog by supplier, or by product category. The magnifying glass at the upper right-hand side lets you search for a product directly.

When all of the products have been added to your shopping cart, head over to the Cart tab at the bottom.

From the shopping cart tab, all of your orders will be broken out by the supplier. To adjust quantity, click on the product and enter the desired quantity amount. You can also leave a note to a supplier to be delivered alongside the purchase order.

For example: Delivery by 3PM

Once you've taken a look and the orders look as desired, scroll over to the bottom to select the desired shipping date. After reviewing, when you're ready to send the order, click Submit Order Request and all of your supplier's will receive purchase orders.

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