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Orders, an intro

The lifeblood of the system and where all the magic begins.

Jeffrey Meese avatar
Written by Jeffrey Meese
Updated over a week ago

tl;dr - An introduction to Orders

(1) Orders page - Where you view all your orders (past and current) status, order date, order amount and add new orders.

(2) You can also export all your order history to a CSV file

(3) Drilling into each other, you also have full visibility of order history (something like an audit trail) and order notes.

This feature, available on mobile and web, allows you to view past orders, see order status, and create orders for your customers as well as process orders that customers create self-service themselves.

When you first log into OrderEZ you'll land on the Orders page, fitting as nothing happens in business without a sale. From here you can filter your orders by date, customer, and current order status. You can also export your orders (maybe you really love manipulating data in Excel, we're enablers, go for it).

Click on an order and you'll get all the details: customer, products ordered, quantity, price, and if you hover over the quantity it will highlight the inventory levels as well.

You also have full visibility of order notes and order history (eg the time/date of changes made).

Lastly and most importantly you can Add New Orders. This means that however your clients notify you of a new order you can punch it into the system (mobile or desktop) and manage all of your orders from one single place. Find out more about how to add orders here.

Order lifecycle

Pending - a Customer has placed an order and it is waiting for your action.

Partially Accepted - when you receive an order from a Customer, you are able to delete individual products rather than decline the entire order.

Accepted - when you receive an order from a Customer and everything’s okay = Accept. When you place an order on behalf of a Customer it automatically moves to this stage.

Declined - received an order from a Customer and either you cannot fulfill it or you don’t want to (maybe they haven’t paid in a while…this will get their attention).

Scheduled for Delivery - let people know when to expect the goods. Think FedEx style tracking.

Completed - the order is done and dusted. This is where you want all your orders eventually.

In Dispute - Customers will be able to raise a dispute from the app or the website if there are any issues with the order, when this happens it will notify your team.

Completed with Dispute - Any order that has previously been disputed is searchable easily by this status, this means it was previously disputed but has been resolved.

Cancelled - Create an order by accident, fat thumbs moment, slip of the finger, etc., no worries just cancel the order and start over. We keep a log just in case a question arises.

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