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Managing Product Visibility

Why can't I see some products from my Supplier?

Jeffrey Meese avatar
Written by Jeffrey Meese
Updated over a week ago

Ever wanted to order something, or trying to complete an offline order in OrderEZ, but realise that you can't find the product on your product feed? Read on to find out why!

tl;dr - Managing Product Visibility

(1) Product Feed - where you see all the products you purchase from all your Supplier. Supplier Product List - product offerings from the Supplier

(2) Manage the products you see on your Product Feed by toggling the "Visible" and "Hidden" option

(3) Freemium Suppliers - You are able to add new products to the list.

Product Feed vs. Supplier Product List

When you log in to OrderEZ, the first page that you see is the Product Feed page. The page displays all the products you purchase from your various Suppliers and the price per unit. This is also where you will select the quantity and add the product to cart when you want to place an order.

If you go to the Supplier tab, select a Supplier (eg Supplied by Spirits) and choose Products, you will be brought to the Supplier Product List page. Here, you will be able to see all the products that anyone has ever ordered from this Supplier.

"Visible" vs. "Hidden" Products

From the Supplier Product List page, you will be able to see all the products that anyone has ever ordered from this Supplier (you won't see the price though unless it's something you buy from the Supplier). Here, you can manage whether you want the product to be visible or hidden from your Product Feed (the Supplier might offer 10,000 products but you only purchase 20 products from them, I'm sure you don't want to see the other 9,980 products on your Product Feed).

Supplier Product List

So you're on the Product page of the Supplier already, but you still don't see the product in this list. Strange uh? Well, if you're purchasing from a Premium Supplier, chances are the Supplier might have removed the product or maybe they stopped supplying it. You probably want to pick up the phone to give them a quick ring to confirm. If you're purchasing from a Freemium Supplier, you will be able to add the product to the product list.

You can also upload products using the CSV Upload function.

For more details about the CSV Upload feature, check out our step-by-step guide here!

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