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Price Proposal

What to do when you receive a price proposal from a Customer.

Jeffrey Meese avatar
Written by Jeffrey Meese
Updated over a week ago

What is a price proposal?

In the F&B industry, it is common for Suppliers to have specific trade prices for different customers which is due to overall spending, specific promotions, the volume of product purchased or any number of other reasons. You can set these prices using the Special Tier Pricing feature in OrderEZ which creates pricing specific to each customer.

Sometimes, you may receive a price proposal from a customer; perhaps they would like to ask for a discount for a product that will be purchasing frequently (think menu listing!). You will receive an email notification that looks like this...

You can click on the "Go to proposals" button in the email, and you will be brought to the Price Proposals page (under Products), where you can see all the price proposals, including the product name, Customer, current price and proposed price.

You can choose to accept or decline the price proposal. And never forget that you can always click on "Customer Info" and their phone number and give them a call to discuss.

What happens next?

After you accept a price proposal, it will create a Special Tier Price for that customer. Only that particular Customer will be able to purchase the product at the new price (ie. all other Customers will NOT be able to see this information, neither will they purchase the product at this special price).

You can make changes to the price at the Special Tier Pricing section of the product.

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